
Get all categories

You can access the list of 5 categories by using the /categories endpoint.

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Clothes",
    "image": ""
  // ...

Get a single category

You can get a single category by adding the id as a parameter: /categories/{id}

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Clothes",
  "image": ""

Create a category

You can create a new category by sending an object like the following to /categories/

  "name": "New Category",
  "image": ""

Note that the image is an URLs.

Update a category

You can update a category exists by sending an object like the following and adding the id as a parameter: /categories/{id}

  "name": "Change name",

Note that it is not necessary to send all product attributes, just send the attributes that want to update.

Delete a category

You can delete a category exists by adding the id as a parameter: /categories/{id}


Get all products by category

You can get the products by category adding the categoryID as a parameter to /categories/{categoryID}/products

    "id": 4,
    "title": "Handmade Fresh Table",
    "price": 687,
    "description": "Andy shoes are designed to keeping in...",
    "category": {
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Others",
      "image": ""
    "images": [
  // ...

Schema Category

Attribute Type Description
id number The id of the category.
name string Name of the product.
image string The string with URL to a image